Okavango Delta

Okavango Delta

The Okavango Delta is one of the world’s largest inland water systems. This unique eco-system covers an area of 15000 square kilometres of the African wilderness. The delta is fed by the Okavango River that begins in the Angolan highlands where the rainfall on the Benguela plateau reaches up to 2 000mm annually. The water flows inland and southeast into Botswana where it fans out to form this paradise of swamps, reed, beds, flood plains, and island and long stretches of cool, clear water The Okavango delta is both a permanent and seasonal home to a wide variety of wildlife. The flood peaks between June and August, during Botswana’s dry winter months, when the delta swells to three times its permanent size, attracting animals from kilometres around and creating one of Africa’s greatest concentrations of wildlife is now a popular tourist attraction.
A trip by ‘Mokoro’ a traditional dugout canoe is central to the tourists experience in the delta. The mokoro was introduced by the Bayei people in the 18th century.
When game viewing in a mokoro, you will hear the sounds of the gentle swish of the water, the calls of the many water birds, the rustling of the reeds, also there is a possibility of seeing different animals like hippos, elephants, zebras and some of the antelopes